Sunday, 29 July 2012

'15 Questions Unleashed' - Abdullah Qureshi

The first interview with Abdullah Qureshi was related to his signing and was on a more serious side. This one scoops out the top '15 things you need to know' about the upcoming celeb. So here we go !

1. Define yourself in three words.
Happy, Passionate, Reserved.

2. Money Fame Success .. What's your pick ?
With success comes money and fame so Success.

3. Something your fans dont know about you.
I'm a chuss machine. I come up with really lame stuff when I'm with friends.

4. Your Favorites .. Color, Place to Dine in, Band, Movie ?
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Place to dine-in: Nandos
Favorite Band: Noori
Favorite Movie: Rockstar (Hollywood), the Indian Rockstar actually sucked!
5. If given a chance at this stage what would you be rather than a musician ?

A film actor maybe.

6. What is the place in the world that you are thrilled to experience ?

7. How do you unwind .. As in you are probably giving most of your time to music and acedemics so what is the refresher in that case ?
I hang out with friends a little, we love FIFA on PS3. Apart from that I'm watching Entourage these days.

8. Tell us more about your typical day ?
Wake up, Eat, University, Eat, Come back, Eat, work on Music, Eat, Sleep.

9.Any words of wisdom for the fans out there ?
Be passionate! That's all what it takes.

10. What is the first thing you would do if today was your last day ? 
Pray for my forgiveness.

11. What are the three things you would take with you if you are left alone on an island ?
Guitar, Fishing Rod, Jenny McCarthy :p

12. Recently happiest and saddest moment ?
Happy moment: Tere Liye's release.
Sad moment: Result day, I got a 2.75 GPA -___-

13.What kind of a child were you ?
How would I know? Ask my mom.

14. Where do you see yourself in 10 years ?
World tour.

15.What is the one change that you would change about yourself ?
Nothing, God made everyone perfect.

Hope you enjoyed !

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