Friday 22 June 2012

AVON Reviews - Play with Purples

Purples are passionate, strong and one of the bold colors that are not easily used as an everyday colors, but they are the ideal choices to get a change in the routine. Avon over the years and made the perfect polishes and purples from this cosmetic company is a must have!

1. Luxe Lavender: Ever wanted to give your life a soft touch? This sober pigment looks refreshing on the nails especially in springs and summers. At the most two quotes are enough as the color is pale and light so it automatically builds it up. I absolutely adore this color and sometimes dot Fuchsia pink over it to pop the colors out.

2. Decadence: Wait for the autumns and winters to get this vivid and eye-catching paint on your nails. But this color is worth the wait! The glittery purple stays the same till the third day of your manicure. The first coat is enough with a top coat to give out the perfect results and in making sure that the color doesn’t chip off.

Order them here:

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